Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Lost Sheep.


A friend posted this on Facebook the other day.  It immediately bothered me.  At first I couldn't say why.  I think I know why the friend posted it and I understood where he was coming from.  And after all, it's just a meme.  It's a memes job to take complex thing and simplify them so that they speak to a particular point of view.  Memes are effective as demonstrated by this particular situation.  My friend saw it and said "Yup!"  I saw it and said "Nope!"  From his point of view, he is seeing people leave the church and may be concerned for them.  But I am the wandering zebra in this scenario.  I am one who has left the church.  So this meme is directed at me, but not really.  It may seem like a warning, but it's really a call to people who have remained in churches, so that they too can say "Yup!"  

Christians are a people called to live in Love and Hope.  So why do American Christians so often resort to Threats and Fear.  The American Church often behaves as an abusive spouse or parent would.  They denigrate those who are different from their congregation.  They threaten what may happen to those who leave.  If Perfect Love drives out all Fear, why does the church so often communicate Fear instead of Love?  

                1 John 4             

Fear has to do with punishment.  Maybe that is the answer, because punishing others is easier by far than loving them.  This meme communicates "If you leave, you will be attacked...doomed."  But wouldn't a better message be to say, "I love my family that may be questioning this institution, but I promise I will always be here for them." (That wouldn't make for a good meme, but maybe you get my point) There are so many better memes that are already present in the Bible.  What about the parable of the Lost Sheep?  Jesus leaves the flock to seek out a sheep that has wandered away.  Shouldn't be hard to find a picture of a sheep and shepherd that goes to rescue it.  It won't be Satan that overcomes this wandering believer, it will be Jesus.  That is his promise.  

                Luke 15: Lost Sheep

I know so many good, good people that are in good churches.  They serve each other and the community.  It can be quite beautiful.  But for a variety of reasons (and I could go on with specifics) I just cannot do it any more.  It is my love and hope in God that has lead me to believe that an institutional American Church is not where we will find the answers.  The church is too scared, too worried about retaining power and influence, too consumed with money and status, and too immersed in patterns of abuse to effectively express Love.

The sermons of my youth preached Fire and Brimstone, at least that is what I remembered.  The church of today preaches a Fear of "other".  The effect is the same:  the ones who most need Love and acceptance are the ones who get excluded.  If we believe Jesus is who he says he is then it should be so easy to err on the side of peace and acceptance and count on his righteousness to correct all of our errors.  But if we decide that WE should be the purveyors of justice and judgement, then we drive away those that Jesus may be calling.  

I think it's too late for the church as we know it.  But God is God, so whatever they have planned is already in motion.  So very often I have proven to be so very wrong.  Who knows, maybe this time next year I'll be back in the pews.  But going forward, I only have to be certain of one thing, and everything else is in motion, fluid if you will.  The World is in flux, but not out of the hands of it's creator.  

If you find that your zebra friends are seeking a life outside of church that is different from what you know, stop to consider that they are in God's care before you condemn them.  Pray for them and wish them well.  Be ready to be the Father who welcomes home his Lost Son, instead of the brother who is bitter and self-righteous.  Who knows what that wandering Zebra will find out there!  Perhaps it's something that could renew.  That is my hope.  I have left the church, but I do not find myself scared or dipping into depravity.  I find that Jesus is right there with me, close as ever and I am embracing the uncertainty.  

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