Wednesday, June 21, 2017

The Captive.

"There seems to me to have been twice as much done in some ages in defending the Bible as in expounding it, but if the whole of our strength shall henceforth go to the exposition and spreading of it, we may leave it pretty much to defend itself. I do not know whether you see that lion—it is very distinctly before my eyes; a number of persons advance to attack him, while a host of us would defend the grand old monarch, the British Lion, with all our strength. Many suggestions are made and much advice is offered. This weapon is recommended, and the other. Pardon me if I offer a quiet suggestion. Open the door and let the lion out; he will take care of himself. Why, they are gone! He no sooner goes forth in his strength than his assailants flee. The way to meet infidelity is to spread the Bible. The answer to every objection against the Bible is the Bible." Charles Spurgeon

I held it captive once, that powerful glorious creature that captivated me.  I ached for many to see it.  I knew if they could behold it in their eyes, hear it's voice, feel it's presence, they would believe.  It paced in it's cage and I tried to drag the whole lot to those who needed to see the Glory of this Magnificent one.  But, it was to heavy, and I was too weak.  Without it's power, I could not.  So then I tried describing the creature, it's nature and what having it, had done for me!  Words fell short.  Those that believed in the power, were fearful and confused.  Those that I couldn't convince, dismissed me as a fool.  In despair I wept at my failure.  Looking to the cage I saw only a small pin kept the power from being released.  The pin was my own pride.  I prevented the freedom of the captive for my own sake, for my own glory.  I knew once the word is released, I would have no control and be at the mercy of it's Spirit.  I had seen it's glory and it captivated me.  I held it captive.  I tried to keep it for myself and dish out portions as I saw fit.  I put Glory in a cage and hid His light under a bowl.  

But now I stand afraid, the pin of pride in my grasp, the hardest shackle to remove.  Though the captive could destroy me at any time, it remains docile and adherent to my will, to my decision to bind it.  Such is the eternal patience of God.  Like Christ before Pilate, the eternal power of the universe bound and surrendered...for our sake.  The disciples wished to stay upon the Mountain when Christ's Glory was revealed, setting up tents and keeping the Glory for themselves.  If I chose to bind, my only identity is my pride until I can release it.  So I am the pin, and as I finally surrender and pull it to release, I find that I myself am released, freed from a cage I didn't know I was in.  When we set the Word free, we release ourselves from the bondage of our own unseen sin.

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