Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Discover, Dear Children!

You will learn things about your parents, new things even, all of their life and then for all of your life.  You'll learn things that you thought you knew, things you thought that they thought.  You learn them, and some will surprise you, most will change your perspective, but none of it will change who they are and who they have always been.  It is the depth that comes from discovery.  They are the same, you merely discovered more and that changes you.

How much more then is there to learn about the Creator of the Universe, The Eternal, the giver of Adam and Atom.  Don't stop, sweet children!  Don't ever believe that you have reached the depths of who our Savior is.  You can know his Love, you can Trust his character, but never stop exploring his wonder.  
2 + 3 will always equal 5, but who knows the end of Pi?

Remember his Love, how personal and close it is, But revere his immensity.  And when you think you've got it all figured out, read JOB 38.

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