Sunday, August 23, 2015

The Great Voice.

I think myself a good singer,
Not great but with a good voice.
Yet I am ever aware of my pitch and volume,
And careful about my song of choice.

Something happens when I hear a real talent,
I get intimidated and I shrink.
My volume and effort slowly fades,
I become a quiet drip in the sink.

Will I fade away completely?
Why do I crave to sing?
How will I handle my new position?
Outside of the inner ring?

Grace is the invitation in,
Grace is greatness inviting,
Grace is making the weak stronger,
Grace is unity in the igniting.

A great voice, The Great Voice,
invites us to sing when we can't carry a tune.
Christ takes our crackles and squeaks,
Takes our lifeless voice and makes it boom!

Unaware of our own selves, we find
Louder and louder our song goes soaring,
We become less and he becomes more,
We open our souls and he comes out roaring.

When my voice was my own, I was
Protected, Prideful and Afraid.
Now that my song has been accepted,  I am
Accepted, Forever In Christ, never betrayed.

When Jesus found me,
I was self amplified and strained.
Now that I join the Great Choir of Heaven,
My heart sings his glory forever sustained.

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