Tuesday, February 3, 2015

One Light.

"One light, many windows" 
 In my seeking/drawn phase of my spiritual journey, I spent time in Unitarian church in St. Paul.  I was originally drawn to statements like this.  It acknowledged that many different worldviews were observing the existence of God and yet allowing them to interpret what they experienced in their own way.  In time, after initial excitement of a Truth seeking church, I became dissatisfied.  What they had to offer wasn't quite enough.  I left the Unitarians when I realized that I could neither shake Jesus nor live without him.  It was clear that He was leading me to a choice that this church didn't feel necessary to make.  The Unitarians said "Nice guy, he might be a way."  Jesus does not leave that option, he is THE Way.  

"One light, many windows."  
This quote remains with me though.  And I have come to a fuller understanding of why.  God has revealed himself to all of creation.  We see Beauty and Truth in a variety of ways.  In fact, we can't escape it.  God's Truth is present in all of creation, even in those who reject him.  We view his glorious light through many windows and are drawn in.  However, we don't enter through windows do we.  God himself has provided the one and only door in Jesus Christ.  We can ignore the light.  We can remain on the outside.  But there is only one way in.   

Romans 1

20 For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.

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