Friday, July 25, 2014

Eden and Starbucks and Control of the Universe!

(Warning: the allusions to Howard Schultz's divinity are somewhat overstated.)

Howard Schultz is Chairman and CEO of Starbucks.  He is a marketing genius, admired leader, motivator, and billionaire.  He is known for strong vision and strong convictions.  Starbucks is an undeniable financial and cultural icon. They provide an outstanding product with an emphasis on a great experience through their people and technology, remaining socially and environmentally sensitive.  And beyond that Starbucks patrons are extraordinarily loyal to the brand, which is thanks to the fact that the employees of Starbucks love working for the company.  From the outside it seems that everyone from the Management to the first day Barista are "all in" for whatever Schultz has coming next.  He has delivered for them, so they in turn trust his vision and are ready to deliver for the company.  And of course, the shareholders couldn't be happier!

With that in mind, imagine if I were a newly trained barista.  Let's say one day I were to head over to Seattle to Starbucks Headquarters.  I walk into the beautiful brick, former Sears and Roebuck building, head into the conference room where members of the board are waiting for Schultz and I plop down his seat.  "I'm in charge."  is my first statement.  For the sake of this thought game, imagine if Schultz's creation were forced to go along with this scenario.  What would be the consequences?  I'm a pretty clever guy, but I fall well short of the qualifications, experience and necessary fortitude to run one of the most successful brands in the world.  Upper management would begin to scramble under the chaos.  Without the security and magnitude of Schultz's presence and the terrifying uncertainty of an unknown restaurant manager at the helm, order would break down.  Some would leave and some would begin to stake their own claim, trying take control.  Every aspect of the company would be affected.  Relationships with vendors and suppliers once held firm in the confident grasp of Schultz and his team, would now come in to question.  Job security at the store level would turn into complete distrust.  People would start thinking more about their own needs instead of the good of the company.  Even if all my intentions were good, my mere act of taking the place that rightfully belongs to the grand architect of the company would mean disaster.  Shareholders revolt!  Starbucks would be broken.  

This scenario came into my head as I pondered the question, "What would you want people that don't know Jesus to know?"  Well, I would want them to know about his great and powerful and redeeming love.  I would also want them to know that he is not who they think he is and there is so much more for all of us to learn.  Ultimately, and the point of this story is that they would need to know that they are currently occupying the seat that is rightfully his.  

This is indeed the story of The Fall as told in Genesis: Man occupying the throne that rightfully belongs to God.  We get hung up on the act of Adam and Eve eating the apple or whatever un-named fruit it was, but the real act that caused Sin to enter the world was the assumption that Man and Woman could know better.  Whether you view the Garden of Eden as Figurative or Literal doesn't diminish the inherent truth of the story.  The story of Adam and Eve plays out again and again throughout time and history:  We think we know better. The reason the world is broken is because we assume control and turn from the goodness of God.  He has constructed every individual particle of every atom and fashioned the universe and then gave us a choice:  Free Will.  Instead of surrendering to God's will for Creation, two chapters in to existence and we broke it.  

Genesis 2:
15 The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it. 16 And the Lord God commanded the man, “You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; 17 but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil,for when you eat from it you will certainly die.”

God sets Adam up for a life of bliss, yet Adam questions God and makes a choice that says, "I'm taking control!"  If I really did enter Starbucks headquarters with the intent of taking over, I would justly be tazed into submission.  Schultz wouldn't let this happen to his company, but why would God let it happen to Creation?  That is a good question.  I don't know if I can answer it completely.  God is love.  In order for love to be love, there must be a choice.  If we choose to take the CEO's chair, the King's throne, God will let us.  He will all at once leave us to our own devices as consequence.  And yet still provides a way back.  It's a great mystery that God never wiped out his disobedient creation.  It's hard to deny that humans have a way of mucking up the good things we are given.  In his great patience and mercy, and in spite of all the pain that has occurred because of the persistence of Evil, God himself provides the sacrifice that can rectify creation.  

The King Returned and is set to return again.  In the meantime there is still work to do.

In 2000, Schultz publicly announced that he was resigning as Starbucks' CEO. Eight years later, however, he returned to head the company. In a 2009 interview with CBS, Schultz said of Starbucks' mission, "We're not in the business of filling bellies, we're in the business of filling souls."

Currently, I have a job that I really, really love.  No I don't work for Starbucks, but I do work for a company that is driven by an uncompromising set of values.  Although I've never met my company's founder, I see the evidence of the good things he has done.  Even though I don't physically see him at work, I reap the benefits of the work he is doing.  I trust the leadership and therefore my desire to take control is diminished, however it is not entirely absent.  I still tend toward distrust and desire to have my own way from time to time.  This is similar to my relationship with Christ.  I have surrendered my life to him because of the work he has done in me.  He provides every answer I need, although not without mystery.  My trust in him is based on Evidence I have seen and felt and I have reaped the benefits of seeking his will. And like loyal workers of a benevolent leader seeking to help the company,  Believers have the great task of spreading evidence of God's goodness in a temporarily broken world.  We fail time after time, but thankfully the evidence is overwhelming and God is unrelenting in his love for his people.  Some have everything and yet don't believe.  Some have absolutely nothing and yet praise the name of God.  We pray for peace and comfort now, but Hope will be fulfilled upon his return!  We have a choice.  Will we surrender control of our lives to the one who made us, who has better things in mind for us or will we defiantly proclaim, "I am God!"  Will we seek him or seek our own will?

Luke 12:
29 And do not set your heart on what you will eat or drink; do not worry about it. 30 For the pagan world runs after all such things, and your Father knows that you need them. 31 But seek his kingdom, and these things will be given to you as well.
32 “Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom. 33 Sell your possessions and give to the poor. Provide purses for yourselves that will not wear out, a treasure in heaven that will never fail, where no thief comes near and no moth destroys. 34 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

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