Sunday, January 12, 2014

Freedom 1.

Freedom is over-rated. To be free is a blessing. To have unlimited freedom is a curse. We tend to cry for freedom at all costs, focusing on the concept of freedom itself and rarely think about in what context. (I realize I sit here in a place of privilege, a point in time and history of unbelievable freedom. I’m not speaking of politics and policies, but more of the human heart. ) Freedom without tethers, without boundaries, without discipline and without direction is enslavement. You are in a sense giving an incredibly powerful weapon to a person or a generation or a culture that has no sense in how to use it. Choice without consequence breeds destruction. (our hearts are incredibly depraved, that left to our own devices we will only consume more and more and never give.) If a child is given complete freedom from a young age to choose whatever they wish, they will slowly but surely shape themselves into a selfish, insufferable monster. They will only know how to please themselves and that will be their only driving thought…gaining more pleasure, more freedom with no sense in how to use it: enslaved to their own freedom.

If freedom is told as a lie, Love is the truth. Love, at it’s best is binding and it is full of choices soaked with consequence. Freedom tells us to only be concerned with ourselves, our choices. Love tells us to only think of others. Love is most useful, most powerful in the context of sacrifice. Many fight for the freedom to Love whom they wish, but ultimately they are aching to be bound to someone or something. While freedom focuses on the choice, Love focuses on the object of that choice. Choose wisely.

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