Sunday, September 3, 2017


"I've often wondered how they got that bridge across the falls. Just recently I heard that there was a story in a newspaper that explained just how. It said that the "The suspension bridge built across Niagara Falls was begun by a thread attached to a kite. When the wind blew, the kite went across. Then on the thread they attached a string and they pulled it across. Then to the string, they attached a rope and pulled it across. Then to the rope they attached a cable, and that cable was then fastened to each end, secure. Then on that cable a basket was attached for the men to work and eventually the bridge was built.

They say that gap was overcome by a thread, and with that small piece of thread, eventually a giant of a bridge was built.

Well, there's a more powerful thread than that. When you share even a thread of God's grace in Christ, as His ambassadors, you're sharing the new life that only God could bring, the new life that God has indeed secured, the Grace that can change everything in a person's life, now and forever."  Sermon Excerpt Rev. Dr. Gregory Seltz

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