Sunday, May 17, 2015

Political Jesus

A Liberal minded person has issues with Christianity because of the exclusive nature of Christ himself.  Christians seem intolerant.
A Conservative minded person has issues with Christianity because of the passivity of Grace.  Christians seem too tolerant.
A Liberal Christian has issues with Conservative Christians because they are legalistic, loving the idea of morality more than people themselves.
A Conservative Christian has issues with Liberal Christians because they denigrate the rules for the sake of accepting all people.
Conservative: Laws over People.  Liberal: People over the Law.  Each position strives to stake it's claim on the Truth, on the side of being right.  There are willing enemies opposing them, making the exact same efforts.  Each of us tries to climb to the top position of in the pile of humanity.  

Liberals, Conservative, believers and atheists all use the image, teachings and words of Christ to venerate their own position.  The tolerant of all, claim Jesus was tolerant of all.  The persecutors of all, claim Jesus persecuted all.  Non-believers throw the ridiculousness of the Word as proof against God.  Believers misuse their good standing in Christ to Judge all others. Here is the reality though:  On one side you have Jesus Christ and On the other side, you have everyone else.  One is right, one is perfect, one is worthy.  One is the True Living God and everything else is his creation.  This includes the pile of humanity, as they clamor and claw to put themselves on top of the pile.  Jesus is perfect, everything else falls short, this is the only way anything makes sense.  The beauty of it all is that Jesus didn't separate himself from the pile.  No, instead he dove in and he made his way to the bottom, only to be killed.  After three days he appeared glorified and returned to his righteous place, yet a way has been made.  Because he died, he gave us his spirit and put those of us who believe to work within the pile: from the bottom up restoring his beautiful creation.  

On one side we have all of humanity.  On the other we have Jesus.  Someday, we will all get to be with him on the side of the righteous, not by our deeds, but by our simple choice to proclaim him Lord of All.  

Let's end with a classic, "For God so loved the World, that he gave his only begotten Son, so that whosoever believeth in him, shall not perish but have everlasting life."  John 3:16  I didn't even need to look that one up!

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