Sunday, April 27, 2014

What if Sex...?

As participants and as parents, what if we treated Sex like it was a gift from God?  What if we handled it like the treasure that it is?  Instead of separating God from Sex, what if we told our kids that God gave us this joy because he loves us.  The way we have the scenario set up now, it leads our children to a choice: either God is good or Sex is.  Well, they may have some doubt about God, but they won't have any doubt about sex.  (Hint: sex is good.)  If all good things come from God, and sex is undeniably a good thing, then why not embrace it instead of setting up later contradictions.  We have set our children up for failure, by creating a false choice.  In short, we say Virginity and Abstinence make God happy.  This may very well be true, but as usual we tend to stop short of the bigger factors at work.  God is Good.  God wants the best for us.  The fact's are this:  Sex is better in the context of a loving relationship.  And though it feels like our hormones are telling us different, telling us to take as many chances as we get, the reality is that one man and one woman yields our greatest chance for security, happiness and love:  emotional and physical satisfaction.  Marriage is a great gift to the world.  Sex is the seal to that covenant, the physical and spiritual joining of two people.   

We can debate Marriage.  We can debate whether or not waiting for marriage is even a reasonable expectation.  What I hope that you might see is that God is not a cosmic killjoy, constantly depriving you and keeping you from joy.  He made you and knows what your heart and soul need.  Promiscuity, random casual sex does not lead to more pleasure, it instead leads to a depletion of the soul.  Pornography doesn't satiate, it inflames and leads to escalation.  These short term fixes are not the answer.  Sex was meant to seal the deal, not BE the deal.  

“Meaninglessness does not come from being weary of pain. Meaninglessness comes from being weary of pleasure.”  G.K. Chesterton

If we can start to believe that God is good and that he wants the best things for us, then we have a chance.  We might be able to stop abusing each other.  We might be able to stop using sex as currency, extortion and collateral.  We might be able to start enjoying it with God present in it, instead of always trying to hide something we can't seem to do without.  

What if waiting wasn't about will power, impossible pride or fear of disappointment, but instead it was about hoping in something more?  It's not about doing without, but increasing future Joy.  What if Father's told son's that waiting was honorable instead of encouraging conquests?  What if Mothers didn't threaten daughters and use fear tactics that are sure to fail and create rifts?  What if parents were honest about their own failures and regrets?  What if we Loved no matter what, just like our Father?  Jesus doesn't want or need our sacrifices.  He wants us to seek more pleasure and to stop settling for such short sighted gains.  You were made for more.  When you can finally see that, and finally believe that He is good...things change.

Matthew 9
12 On hearing this, Jesus said, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. 13 But go and learn what this means: ‘I desire mercy, not sacrifice.’[a] For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.”

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