Sunday, March 16, 2014



It's a bumper sticker I see all the time on all kinds of cars. 
First reaction: "Nice, yes, let's Coexist."
Second reaction: "Well, yes, that's nice, but not very realistic is it?" (I have a British accent here for some reason)
Third reaction: "People suck.  Religion sucks.  Organizations suck.  It's too much, I mean have you seen people?  Even if it's not about religion, beliefs or lifestyle, in general people are hard to be around!"
Fourth reaction: "Sorry.  That was a bit harsh."
Fifth reaction: "But seriously...c'mon people!"
Sixth reaction: "But still, in spite of how hard it may be, we should make an effort to understand each other.  I love Jesus, I believe that the power and goodness are all his, so I owe it to my salvation to understand my fellow man and woman, their belief systems, their backgrounds and invest in people in the hopes that something in me will spark something in them to ask about Jesus and what he has done for me...for the world."
Seventh reaction: "But man, as a Christian, it feels like more and more I don't have a right to say anything, and anything in our country or western civilization that was built on a belief in Jesus is being wiped away.  Is there tolerance for my views?"
Eighth reaction: "Wait, wait, wait, what the hell does that even mean?  Coexist?  WTF?"
Ninth reaction: "Coexist: To exist at the same time in the same place.  Aren't we doing that already?  Coexist peacefully you mean? <see Second reaction layer>
Tenth reaction: From the Coexist Bumper Sticker website...I think.
There is a crisis of understanding that tears at the social fabric of societies around the world. Globalization has outpaced understanding, creating divisions that plague societies with prejudice, misinformation, hate, and violence. The Coexist Foundation is a non-profit organization creating understanding across divides.  Since 2006, the Coexist Foundation has forged a range of inspiring initiatives to create understanding through education and innovation.
"Well that sounds right, I got no problem with that...we should be doing that right?  Yes, Let's Coexist!" <see first reaction>
Eleventh ("Eleventh" that doesn't even look like a real's like what you would call an Elf Tent) reaction: "Well, wait...shit, that doesn't feel like enough.  That's not quite right, is it? (British again)  We are just treading water here.  Coexist here just means to occupy the same space at the same time.  Like we are all just trying to get through Thanksgiving dinner without anyone offending anyone else.  My soul and my heart and my mind want more.  I want reconciliation, I want real and comprehensive understanding!  To coexist feels like I have to accept that Truth is relative, that "Your truth is your truth and my truth is mine."  But I don't believe that.
Twelfth (even less real than the elf tent) reaction: "Just take it easy, take it easy, Scotty.  Sounds like you are about to make a stink.  When you start talking about Jesus as the only way, people get pissed.  People get uncomfortable.  You start losing friends and alienating family.  That is decidedly NOT coexisting.  Maybe you should just pipe down...whatever that means."
Level Thirteen:  "Jesus, I'm sorry.  I'm not strong enough.  I'm not good enough to carry your name to the places people need it.  Forgive me."
Level Fourteen: "Yes!  I'll simply be responsive!  Go where I 'm asked and keep quiet until called upon.  Live a good Christian life and hope that it shows through."
Level Fifteen: "But still, there is that nagging feeling.  Yes, I can't quite shake it.  I really do want to understand other religions and belief or even non-belief systems.  I love people, I like figuring out what makes them tick, but it's all kind of surface stuff, this Coexisting.  We are agreeing to disagree and walking off.  I had an old boss that would get enraged when someone used that phrase, 'Agree to disagree'.  'Bullshit' he'd say, 'We are going to figure this out until someone is right!'"
Level Sixteen:  "But he was kind of juvenile.  I'm beyond the need (most of the time) to be right.  It's just not that important.  But still I can't say that Truth is relative.  Because if it is then nothing really matters.  We can Coexist, but what's the point....ahhhhaahh!!!"
Level Seventeen:  "We sail about having complicated conversations on belief, religion and truth hoping to get to some unsatisfactory place where we all Coexist.  An endless limbo land of holiday with the in-laws, where no one is right and no one is wrong.  But do we ever stop to ask "Why?"  Why the urge to Coexist?  Why the movement?  Does it matter?  If you Google "Why do we need to Coexist?" there is no clear response.  Why?  Why?  What is it about us that drives towards some level of unity.  Even those forces in the world that are destructive are still compelled by a desire for unity, some sort of perverted reconciliation.  People that aggressively assert their will are still seeking one-ness.  Have you asked yourself why?  Do you just want to get along until next time, or is the desire for coexistence rooted in something more? 
Level Eighteen :  "We struggle to coexist because we are people and we are broken.  We still yearn for it because there is a hint of the reality of reconciliation alive in our eternal soul.  God is perfect, but we are not.  Jesus Christ is God, on earth, here for us to make things right.  Although his death and resurrection sealed the deal, the struggle isn't quite done.  As a Christian I am compelled by his Great Love to want that Love for you.  I'm awkward with his Love and often abrasive, but it is no less sincere.  He is coming back and that should terrify us, because when he comes back it will not be to Coexist.  It will be to make the world right, and One, by his Power and his Judgment."
Level Nineteen: "Phew.  That was hard.  Jesus I love you. Thank you."
Level Twenty (spelling out numbers is just bizarre): "Here and now, I do have an obligation to Coexist.  This world has been given to us to be stewards.  I will Coexist...sitting behind folks in traffic, parents at my kids school, different people at work, the people I serve in my job.  I will Love them all, because He asked me to.  That greater Truth overrides everything else."
Level Twenty-one (now we have hyphens):  "But then again, we weren't called to just "occupy the same place at the same time", we were called to tell the world about Jesus."

Well now, that is quite the rub.  This is gonna take more than a blog post isn't it. (again with the accent)

Matthew 22

36 “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?”

37 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’[a] 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’[b] 40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”

Level 42: Was an under rated 80's band.

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