Tuesday, February 18, 2014


We were meant to be lit from within.
Inside you there is something that yearns to burn.
You stoke your fire,
You choose your desire,
And your choice defines the quality of your light.

The dark of an evening can be enchanting,
But even the splendor of the starry night depends on light.
Total Light is Heaven.
Total Darkness is terror.
The Shadows sulk, unable to create.

So they distract.  So they destroy.

You, you soft speaking absence,
You, you quiet eroder,
You, you comforting corrupter,
You, you inflamer of a fire
That gives no light,
That gives no warmth,
That consumes good and produces ash.
And that ash layers upon itself.
Sediment over sediment of depravity.
Inside, death.
Outside, the apparent stability of a useful structure.
After all, a tomb, washed white, still serves a purpose.

Jesus, don't let me fade.

Pouring out brightness upon the tombs pristine walls
Is not enough to pay the cost for the lost.
His spirit must decide,
His spirit must provide.
The ember remains,and his breath makes it glow.

Rise and Shine!

Racing to the high hill,
I burn with a new fire.
Fueled by the eternal,
My light will not die.
This is my purpose,
Not to make my own light
But to allow him to consume me,
All of me.
I choose to burn with the glory of the Creator,
The very light born at Creation.

A light on a hill,
Burning and Alive.
It is a Joy to tell of what Jesus has done for me.

Isaiah 60
“Arise, shine, for your light has come,
    and the glory of the Lord rises upon you.
See, darkness covers the earth
    and thick darkness is over the peoples,
but the Lord rises upon you
    and his glory appears over you.
Nations will come to your light,
    and kings to the brightness of your dawn."

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