Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Prayer of the New Born.

Being Reborn in Christ seems like it is metaphor, but I can’t think of anything more literal; first in the sense of being new again, but also and no less dramatic is the sense that we don’t really know anything. Once Christ has saved us we are wiped clean and just like a new babe, the possibilities are inconceivable. However, we are nearly helpless as new Christians, and yet we are completely anxious and eager to be involved. Even though we have the light of Christ, we are still quite self-absorbed and quite immature. And like a baby’s first coo’s and grunts we begin to pray. We don’t really know how though. We make our lists and offer our counsel to God on the things he should do. We may even feel like prosperity is our right, like mothers milk. We get all excited at all the new things that have come to light in this world, we are eager to speak to God. A new baby is also eager to communicate. We get excited at all we want to express, but because we lack the patience and knowledge, both the born and the re-born can only cry, scream and babble.

It’s necessary though. Patience is required of all parties involved. The eternal God is eternally patient. Prayer is the basic communication with God. He must teach us to speak before we can talk. Before that, we must be able to hear his voice. Like a mother whispering to her child, it is never complicated. Good communication never need be complicated. He must give us words, repeated, given context and meaning before we can begin to know what to ask for. In the beginning, we only know that we want, but not necessarily what we want. Thus our first prayer is really the only prayer we will ever need. It’s a prayer that gives birth to all other prayer. We cry out, finally knowing that what we need and what we want are the same thing. My Daughter cries, “DA!” wanting her earthly father. Someday, that cry will be her first real prayer, “Father!” wanting her heavenly father.

Though life and maturity complicates, the principles don’t really stray from this cry. Answered prayer is not God moving around heaven and earth (not that he couldn’t) to accommodate my righteous requests. Answered prayer is God moving me around to place me in a prime spot to witness what he is doing in my life and the world around me. Clearly I’ll only get a glimpse and more often than not real change is only visible in retrospect. (Switching metaphors now) Answered prayer is knowing the Shepard’s voice and NOT resisting, but submitting to the Shepard’s will. He moves me with a touch or a call into the flow that will lead all of us where we need to be: to the shade when it is too hot, to water when I thirst, and to the very best areas to graze when I am hungry. If I wander he will pursue me. Contentment comes not from ignorance, but from knowing and yet submitting. Answered prayer is not getting what I want, but trusting in what God wants for me, through the drought, through the storm and out among the wolves. If I am lost, I cry out to the only one who saves.

1 Corinthians 3:2
I gave you milk, not solid food, for you were not yet ready for it. Indeed, you are still not ready.

1 Peter 2:2
 Like newborn infants, long for the pure spiritual milk, that by it you may grow up into salvation—

John 10:25
25Jesus answered, “I did tell you, but you do not believe. The works I do in my Father’s name testify about me,26but you do not believe because you are not my sheep.27My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.28I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand.29My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than allc; no one can snatch them out of my Father’s hand.30I and the Father are one.”


  1. God answers our prayers everyday, at least he gives us the right situations for them to be answered and it is up to us to see his will and to follow him. By following the proper choices he gives, then and only then our prayers are answered. Great post my friend.

  2. Seeing his will is the most amazing prayer we get answered. Thanks Ryan!
